Sols - Dalles plombantes. Attraction modular tiles offer the ideal flooring solution for heavy foot traffic applications. Gerflor Floorscore Certificate for tiles. The premium solution for renovation.
Due to the year- round heat regulation in the buildings. PVC coloured wearlayer. It has a unique dovetail joint which allows rapid looselay installation a. This is the newsletter signup.
Unik lösläggningslösning för tuff offentlig miljö. Thickness mm Wear Layer mm. Tiles Size 6x 6Sold per square metre. These tiles are highly. Migrations recycled tiles come in. Fast Track installation. Objektbodenbeläge - Lose verlegbar. Schnelle und leichte Verlegung (lose) durch. Die einzigartige kombination. FasT TraCk LooseLay TiLes. Die schnelle Lösung für attraktive Bodengestaltung. GERFLOR GTI Pure Decor. Tarabus self adhesive kit system.
INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS. Possibly the perfect flooring option for educational institutions looking for a beautiful, economical and swift solution. Losetas de suelo vinílico de alta resitencia y larga duración.
Fácil mantenimiento. Instalación autoportante. Amplía gama de diseños y colores. Complementary Products. Důraz je u této varianty kladen na estetiku a snadnou údržbu. Read the publication.
Kształtem przypominają "puzzle" i tak też się je układa. Hızlı işleyen döşeme sürece. Total thickness EN 4mm 5. Popis: Snadná renovace: instalace volné pokládky.
Bez nutnosti uzavření areálu = žádné ztráty obratu.
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